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3 Natural Ingredients Your Natural Powder Face Mask Needs

3 Natural Ingredients Your Natural Powder Face Mask Needs


Natural powder face masks have been around for centuries, but are often overshadowed by trending sheet masks and face peels. But when powder masks are formulated with the right ingredients, they can deliver powerful results. Packed with vitamins, antioxidants, essential fatty acids and other minerals to nurture and energize tired skin, a natural powder face mask is a soothing, deeply detoxifying and luxurious experience.

But, not all natural ingredients are made equal so, we’re sharing 3 of our favorite natural powder face mask ingredients that give that extra burst of freshness and rejuvenation to your complexion.


Kaolin Clay

A soft white mineral, Kaolin Clay is one of the gentlest types of clay masks and loved for its deep exfoliation. Kaolin clay has strong anti-inflammatory properties, which help keep conditions that cause redness in the face, like acne and rosacea, calm and under control.

Clay-based masks are also especially good for oily skin by helping the skin to exfoliate, reduce extra oil production, and stay soothed. It clears the skin’s pores, but without stripping your skin of the natural oils it needs to stay moisturized and nourished. Overall, it is perfect for all skin types, from dry and sensitive, to oily and acne-prone. 

Rosehip Powder

The beautiful pink hue of rosehip powder is one of the most powerful sources of vitamin C that you can get from natural ingredients. With about 60 times the amount of vitamin C in an orange, rosehip powder is powerfully able to stimulate the production of collagen in the body. This overtime helps improve the skin’s firmness and prevents fine lines. We love rosehip as a natural ingredient so 

chamomile flower powder

much that we wrote a blog on its powerful skincare properties like its ability to:

  • Stimulate collagen production and help with anti-aging
  • Treat inflammation & soothe redness
  • Brighten, heal and moisturize skin
  • Combat UV damage, dark spots 

… and more!

Chamomile Flower Powder

Chamomile is perfect for soothing irritated or inflamed skin. With powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, Chamomile has also been known to speed up the healing process and reduce the appearance of scars and wrinkles.

Along with its soothing scent, chamomile is known for helping with a variety of skin issues, like flaking, dryness, wrinkles, and stretch marks and can add softness, relaxation, and rejuvenation to the appearance of your skin. 

Adding A Natural Powder Face Mask To Your Skincare Routine

natural powder face mask

At Juniper & Pine, we love our natural powder face mask, ROSE VEIL. Powders require little to no preserving ingredients, which help us avoid those synthetic preservatives that can irritate the skin. Natural powder face masks also generally have a longer shelf life, you don’t need to worry about the mask losing its powerful balancing and detoxifying properties. 

If you’re ready to reap the benefits of a natural powder face mask, check out our beloved ROSE VEIL that contains all the ingredients we mentioned above and so much more skin-loving goodness!