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Amazing Benefits of Adding A Natural Face Mask To Your Skincare Routine

Amazing Benefits of Adding A Natural Face Mask To Your Skincare Routine

Nothing rejuvenates skin like a detoxifying, natural face mask. Face masks formulated with the right skin-nurturing ingredients can help with a multitude of skin care concerns. Unclogging pores, nourishing the skin and evening the complexion are all benefits of the regular use of a face mask. Plus, it’s a wonderful product that makes you feel utterly pampered and relaxed, perfect for de-stressing after a long day.

We all rigorously apply cleansers, toners, serums, moisturizers and more each morning and night but face masks? It’s something we do maybe once a month, when we finally decide to pamper ourselves a little bit. But we shouldn’t view them as just a luxury— it can become an integral part of your skincare routine for all it’s amazing skin-nurturing benefits.

Benefits of a Detoxifying, Natural Face Mask

Everyone, not just those with oily, congested or dry skin, can greatly benefit from adding a natural face mask regularly to their skincare routine. When used weekly or more, you’ll see significant changes in your complexion and skin tone. Here are some of the ways a good face mask can transform your skin!

Preps the skin

When the surface of your skin is clogged with dirt, excess oils and dead skin cells, it can be difficult for your cleanser, toner or other skincare products to do their jobs. An exfoliating face mask deeply cleans the skin by pulling out impurities, unclogging pores and clearing the skin so your other skin care products can work even better. Your complexion will look fresh and healthy!

self care

Promotes cell regeneration & banishes excess oils

With the skin thoroughly exfoliated, other powerhouse ingredients in a face mask can simultaneously kick in. Filled with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, a natural face mask also absorbs excess oils, and soothes inflamed or sensitive skin. Other natural ingredients stimulate collagen production, leading to an even, smooth complexion.

Slows you down & relaxes

Not only does the regular use of a natural face mask improve the overall appearance of your skin, but they can have amazing benefits for the mind and body as well. Often when you think of face masks, it’s associated with a warm bath, a cool glass of cucumber and citrus-flavored water, or a comfy bed with your favorite show on the screen. You can’t really do much anyway so it’s best to consider it a mandatory 10 – 15 minute of relaxation time. Skincare at Juniper & Pine is really all about self-care and being kind to yourself.

Juniper & Pine’s Rose Veil Face Mask

Juniper & Pine’s Rose Veil Face Mask combines the best of nature’s ingredients to exfoliate, detox and balance the skin so it feels rejuvenated and purified even after a long beach day. Here are just a few of the natural powerhouse ingredients we use and why they’re so good for you!

rosehip face mask

Rosehip Powder: With high levels of Vitamin C, rosehip powder is a fantastic topical antioxidant. It helps to protect the skin from pollutants and also firms and evens out skin tone.

Kaolin Clay: This natural ingredient is perfect for oily-prone skin as it works to draw out impurities from deep in the pores. It also helps to reduce excess oils and shine, and helps reduce clogged pores, too.

Chamomile Flower Powder: Perfect for sensitive skin, chamomile powder provides a soothing experience for skin. Softening skin, wrinkles and age marks are just a few benefits of this botanical ingredient.

Ready to integrate a face mask into your regular skincare routine? Check out our Rose Veil Face Mask!